Autism has become epidemic in the US and the rest of the world as well. One in 150 children in the United States has been diagnosed with this condition. In Wisconsin alone, a new survey reports that approximately 5 out of every 1,000 Wisconsin children born in 1994 display symptoms of autism. The alarming numbers continue to climb. Researchers have identified the gene that makes children susceptible to this condition, but what can parents do to help their autistic children communicate? A new aid has been discovered: a parrot.
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You have trouble remembering names (hint: say the name out loud as part of the greeting to the new person you’re meeting). The humorist Dave Barry suggests that everyone should be required to wear nametags at all times. But there are some people who have it even worse: They can’t recognize FACES. This affects a surprisingly large number of people?1 in 50?so a lot of us have this problem and are covering it up.
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Here on, we report regularly on the epidemic of autism in children and the scientists who are trying to find out the cause of this heartbreaking condition. We recently reported a devastating story about researchers who say this is a condition caused by the genetic susceptibility of some children to heavy metal pollution. This could be virtually eliminated in the US by putting catalytic converters on all automobiles and scrubbers on all power plants?things the Bush administration refuses to do. The heavy metal mercury is commonly used as a preservative in children?s vaccines. Due to their worries about this, some parents are no longer having their children vaccinated against basic childhood more

There has been a raging controversy during the last fewyears about whether the mercury preservative in childhoodvaccines is the cause of autism, which is reaching epidemiclevels in the West. Some insist it is, while others say thatit only seems that way, because autism begins to manifestaround the age that children receive their vaccinations.It’s known to run in families. Autism has been called the”geek disease” and some researchers say it comes from ahaving a brain that is too “male”?that is, too analyticaland not empathetic more