The mercury-containing preservative thimerosal has been eliminated from most childhood vaccines, but autism cases have continued to increase, providing evidence that vaccines are not the cause. Fevers?especially high fevers?can damage the brain, but the behavior of children with autism may IMPROVE during a fever, giving researchers a clue to what’s going on with this mysterious condition, which is becoming an epidemic in the US.

A new study shows that autism cases have continued to increase in California after the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal was eliminated from most childhood vaccines. This suggests that exposure to thimerosal is not a primary cause of autism.
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Can autism be reversed? Scientists have done this in mice by manipulating genes?in the future, they may be able to help children this way as well.

BBC News reports that symptoms of mental retardation and autism have been reversed for the first time in laboratory mice that were genetically engineered to have a predilection for these problems.

US scientists created mice that showed symptoms of Fragile X Syndrome?the gene that makes humans susceptible to autism after exposure to heavy metal pollution. They were able to reverse these symptoms by inhibiting the action of this gene.

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Autism has become epidemic in the US and the rest of the world as well. One in 150 children in the United States has been diagnosed with this condition. In Wisconsin alone, a new survey reports that approximately 5 out of every 1,000 Wisconsin children born in 1994 display symptoms of autism. The alarming numbers continue to climb. Researchers have identified the gene that makes children susceptible to this condition, but what can parents do to help their autistic children communicate? A new aid has been discovered: a parrot.
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You have trouble remembering names (hint: say the name out loud as part of the greeting to the new person you’re meeting). The humorist Dave Barry suggests that everyone should be required to wear nametags at all times. But there are some people who have it even worse: They can’t recognize FACES. This affects a surprisingly large number of people?1 in 50?so a lot of us have this problem and are covering it up.
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