Do we get cancer because we evolved big brains? That’s a depressing thought, but it may be true.

It’s a question that has nagged cancer researcher John McDonald, who says, “I was always intrigued by the fact that chimpanzees appear to have lower rates of cancer than humans.”

McDonald and team compared chimp-human gene expression patterns in five tissues: brain, testes, liver, kidneys and heart. They found distinct differences in the way programmed cell death operates, suggesting that humans do not “self-destroy” cells as effectively as chimpanzees do. This “self-destruction” is one of the primary mechanisms by which our bodies get rid of cancer cells.
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Where in the brain is what we call wisdom located? Neurobiologists think they have the answer to this question, which was once only addressed by religion and philosophy.

Psychiatrist Dilip V. Jeste says, “Defining wisdom is rather subjective, though there are many similarities in definition across time and cultures. However, our research suggests that there may be a basis in neurobiology for wisdom’s most universal traits.”

Wisdom has been defined over centuries and civilizations to encompass numerous psychological traits. Components of wisdom are commonly agreed to include such attributes as empathy, compassion or altruism, emotional stability, self-understanding, and pro-social attitudes, including a tolerance for others’ values.
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What part of their BRAINS do they use? – We all want to know (especially since the O.J. trial!) how juries make decisions: with their hearts or with their heads. How to find out? Study their brains!

A neuroscientist and a law professor have teamed up to have peer inside potential jurors’ minds to watch how their brains think about crime and punishment. Professor Owen Jones and researcher Ren

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The Master of the Key predicted this and now it’s come true: computers of the future will mimic brains.

In BBC News, Jason Palmer quotes IBM researcher Dharmendra Modha as saying, “The mind has an amazing ability to integrate ambiguous information across the senses, and it can effortlessly create the categories of time, space, object, and interrelationship from the sensory data. There are no computers that can even remotely approach the remarkable feats the mind performs.”

Whitley held the following dialogue with the Master of the Key: Whitley?Would an intelligent machine be conscious, in the sense of having self-awareness?
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