We Need a Caveman Candidate
When it comes to voter preference, the issues count. But some may pull the handle for a more primal reason: Physical fitness and stature against an opponent.
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When it comes to voter preference, the issues count. But some may pull the handle for a more primal reason: Physical fitness and stature against an opponent.
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What are the qualities that make a leader? One personality trait that seems to be absolutely necessary is the personality of an addict–someone who is a compulsive risk-taker, always seeking the new.
In the July 24th edition of the New York Times, David J. Linden asks the question, "How can this be? We typically see addicts as weak-willed losers, and chief executives and entrepreneurs are people with discipline and fortitude."
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Don’t vote for the laughing candidate or the depressed candidate–vote for the candidate who will keep JUNK SCIENCE out of the White House! Alas, this is neither Rick Perry nor Michele Bachmann.
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