Another horrific half-cat mutilation cycle has begun. As before, not a trace of any perpetrator can be found, despite the large number of felines affected. Then, in the second half of the show, a mysterious boom throws a woman across a beach and injures her.

Cat mutilations are generally dismissed as predator action, but officials never bother to explain the neat incisions, the lack of blood and, above all, the fact that no perpetrator, animal or human, has ever even been seen, let alone caught.
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A suspect was arrested in Dade Country, Florida and chargedwith 19 counts of animal cruelty, 19 counts of improperlydisposing of an animal body and 4 counts of burglary in thewave of brutalcat killings that has swept the area in recent weeks.Meanwhile, as reported onMay 24 a resident of Rutland,British Columbia in Canada found a cat bloodlessly cut inhalf and in the first week of June in Cross Roads, Texas, aspaniel was found killed and skinned, and a reward posted.Previous to the Dade County case, nobody has ever beenarrested in connection with a pet mutilation since the firstones were reported in Canada in the 1970s.
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