Dangerous Bacteria in Popular Chicken Brands
A whopping 96% of Tyson and 43% of Perdue chickens have beenfound to contain the dangerous drug-resistant bacteriaCampylobacter while only 5% Eberle and 13% of Bell and Evanschickens showed signs of the presence of the bacterium.
According to researchers at the Johns Hopkins BloombergSchool of Public Health, this is likely due to the use ofantibiotics in the raising of the chickens. Campylobacter isresponsible for an estimated 2.4 million cases of foodpoisoning a year in the US.
Producers claim that the use of antibiotics makes theirproducts safer, but the truth is the opposite, which hasbeen amply proved by numerous scientific studies that showthat the use of antibiotics in food production fosters thespread of drug-resistant bacteria.
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