In 1968, a comedy called "The Odd Couple," starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, told the story of two divorced men, Felix Ungar (a neurotic neatfreak) and Oscar Madison (a fun-loving slob) who decide to live together. This is a script that plays itself out again and again as college starts and students find themselves paired with roommates whom they do not know and do not get along with.
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When it comes to spring cleaning, some of us have to do it ourselves, and the experts think we should take it easy. Researcher Donna Duberg says, “Ask yourself the question: How contaminated is my house?”

Duberg says you actually can make yourself sick from cleaning by being too vigilant. “People think if some is good, more is better,” Duberg says. “That’s not always true.”

For instance, Duberg says, “Some people scrub their toilet bowl with a product that contains ammonia to remove rust stains, then follow up by pouring down a shot of bleach. They think that extra little bit of effort will kill germs. Actually, they?re making chlorine gas, a caustic mixture that actually was used as a weapon during World War I.”
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Everyone’s dream is the self-cleaning house or apartment. It happened on Mars, so why not here? This might actually be in our future.
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