If climate change continues, coastal cities may drown. Even our Capitol may eventually be under water!

Current trends and predicted increases suggest that our nation’s capital is likely to face flooding and infrastructure damage in both the short- and long-term brought about by sea level rise, which is linked to thermal expansion of the oceans and melting of global ice sheets.
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The UK is experiencing weird weather too–in fact, that country has experienced its "weirdest" weather on record in the past few months, scientists say. The driest spring for over a century led to the wettest April, May and June ever recorded. This could be the start of periodic wings of alternating droughts and flooding–here in the US too?
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In 1999 Whitley Strieber and Art Bell predicted that events like this were going to happen if we ignored the reality of climate change. A changing Gulf Stream off the East Coast has destabilized frozen methane deposits trapped under nearly 4,000 square miles of the seafloor, and since methane is even more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, any large-scale release like this could have a major impact on the climate.
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The news media has been calling Hurricane Sandy a ‘superstorm.’ It is not that, not yet. It is not as intense as storms that will form later in the process of climate change. We have already passed the point of no return on this issue. It is going to happen. In part, this is because the interglacial during which human population has expanded to cover the earth is ending, and in part it is because mankind does not have planetary institutions that are sufficiently robust to enable widespread agreement about this issue. So the developed country most able to reduce its CO2 emissions, the United States, has remained divided.read more