Nearly one-tenth of hemisphere’s mammals are unlikely to outrun climate change.

A safe haven could be out of reach for 9% of the Western Hemisphere’s mammals, and as much as 40% in certain regions, because the animals just won’t move swiftly enough to outpace climate change.

For the past decade scientists have outlined new areas suitable for mammals likely to be displaced as climate change first makes their current habitat inhospitable, then unlivable. For the first time a new study considers whether mammals will actually be able to move to those new areas before they are overrun by climate change. read more

When it comes to bad weather, heat waves kill more people than tornadoes, blizzards or hurricanes, which doesn’t bode well for global warming. For instance, during 3 excruciating weeks in August of 2003, an epic heat wave broiled parts of Europe and killed an estimated 70,000 people. It was so hot electrical cables melted, nuclear reactors could not be cooled, water pumps failed, and museum specimens liquefied.
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It’s not just your furniture that effects your beliefs–when it comes to climate change, it’s the weather where YOU are, so people who live in places where the climate is good tend to deny this reality, while those living in places experiencing warmer-than-normal temperatures are significantly more likely than others to say there is evidence for global warming. Maybe this is also because so little about climate change is published in your local press.
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Instead of burying it or hoping our oceans will absorb it, why don’t we just grab all that carbon dioxide out of the air?

A group of researchers think that a CO2 removal unit the size of an ocean shipping container could extract a thousand tons of the gas per year with operating costs of approximately $100 per ton. Will we soon see one of these at every street corner, the way trash cans are now?
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