By now, climate change is obvious to everyone except the most ardent deniers. But the data collected by the Center on Climate Change and National Security remains classified. What are they hiding from us?

In, David Kravets describes a Freedom of Information Act request made by Jeffrey Richelson, to which he received this reply from the agency’s information and privacy coordinator, Susan Viscuso: "We completed a thorough search for records responsive to your request and located material that we determined is currently and properly classified and must be denied in its entirety." 
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The planet’s deep oceans at times may absorb enough heat to flatten the rate of global warming for periods of as long as a decade even in the midst of longer-term warming. According to a new analysis led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), based on computer simulations of global climate, ocean layers deeper than 1,000 feet are the main location of the “missing heat” during periods such as the past decade when global air temperatures showed little more