A conservative media outlet admits that, undoubtedly pressured by the Bush administration’s unwavering support of big business, NASA downplayed studies on global warming that were done between 2004 and 2006?and some of them were THEIR OWN studies!

Now none other than Fox News, which used to unabashedly support all Bush policies, quotes the head of NASA?s own watchdog committee as saying that the White House press office used “inappropriate political interference” to silence NASA scientists, because it was close to the 2004 election. The government canceled a NASA press conference about its ozone and global warming monitoring satellite technology and edited or downgraded NASA press releases on the same subject?will something similar happen in the upcoming election? read more

It’s happened before, and now it’s happening again: another tiny South Pacific island country has realized it will soon disappear beneath the ocean forever.
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UPDATE: Jupiter has NEW red spot & frost melting on Pluto – Earth is not the only planet in this solar system that is experiencing increased heating and weather upheavals. Increased turbulence and storms were first seen on Jupiter over two years ago, and are continuing. Periods of heating have also been noted on Mars from time to time in the past few years, and NASA astronomer Imke de Pater call the Jovian observations a “major upheaval” that involves stunning changes in the planet’s atmosphere. The planet’s temperatures may be increasing by 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, frost has been spotted varporizing on Pluto. Frost was seen on the planet in the 1930s, when Pluto was first discovered. Keep reading for update.
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According to a leading medical journal, climate change will have a huge impact on human health and bold decisions are needed now to protect the world’s population.

Writing in the British Medical Journal, Professor McMichael says that the risks to health are many, and include the impact of heat waves, floods and wildfires, changes in infectious disease patterns, the effect of worsening food yields and loss of livelihoods. He says, “Climate change is beginning to damage our natural life-support system.”
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