Glaciers are melting in the Arctic and everywhere else, and now a huge ice sheet in Canada is melting as well. The level of the Mediterranean ocean is rising rapidly. Soon this will be common news, all over the world and it’s already affecting the weather right here in the US.
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Believe it or not, spring is coming, but will global warming change things? A new study shows that the breeding ranges of North American birds have shifted northward coinciding with a period of increasing global temperatures. Eventually, some of our favorite birds may disappear completely. And those trees they?re nesting in seem to change colors later and later every year?or maybe not at all?which is another sign of global warming. Meanwhile, birds are changing their habits to become more like humans in one very important way.
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The upcoming recession is being talked about in the news right now, and it’s mainly being blamed on oil prices and the sub-prime mortgage situation. But there’s another area where our economy is leaking money: the insurance industry. They’ve taken a beating from the bad weather caused by global warming.

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted a 21st century rise in ocean levels of 32 inches, but now they say it could be twice that: 64 inches. This is what happened the last time the earth got this hot, 100,000 years ago. This news has the insurance industry terrified, since they?ve already lost $75 million from natural catastrophes in 2007.
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On Dreamland, prophet John Hogue says the election motto for 2008 will be, “It’s the ECOLOGY, stupid.” Want to begin to be more environmentally friendly in 2008 but can’t afford a hybrid car? There are plenty of other ways to lessen your impact on the environment and go green.
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