A study just published in Nature Climate Change reports an "exceptional" weakening of the Gulf Stream system across the twentieth century, and suggests that the entire system of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is in jeopardy. But the lack of measurements means that the degree to which this is true is unclear. The weakening of the system is the probable cause of the recent harsh winters in North America, as the polar vortex has ceased to be held in position by warm air that is normally driven northward by the current.read more

By Whitley Strieber

The eastern half of the United States is experiencing one of the harshest winters ever recorded. In many places both snow accumulation and temperature lows are breaking century old records. Because of all this cold air and the heat that is rapidly building in the southern Caribbean, the stage is set for a spring and summer of great weather violence as well. Meanwhile, in Australia, two fierce cyclones hit on the same day, Friday, February 20. In Europe, last summer was characterized by violent weather, and that is likely to happen again this year. In Siberia more massive craters are appearing, leading some scientists to issue serious warnings.
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It may have been the WEATHER that did them in. Researcher Julien Riel-Salvatore says, "It’s been long believed that Neanderthals were outcompeted by fitter modern humans and they could not adapt. We are changing the main narrative. Neanderthals were just as adaptable and in many ways, simply victims of their own success."

Researcher Michael Barton agrees and says, "Neanderthals could have disappeared NOT because they were somehow less fit than all other hominins who existed during the last glaciation, but because they were as behaviorally sophisticated as modern humans."
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From the time Whitley Strieber and Art Bell published Superstorm until now, Unknowncountry has been one of the few places in the world where accurate information about what is actually happening to Earth’s climate has been available. Now, in his most forward-looking and powerful analysis ever, he predicts some likely events for 2015 and beyond that are likely to happen but being completely ignored by the media.

There are some serious perils involved, and it is absolutely essential that they be understood by everybody who is concerned about this problem. This statement is essential listening.
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