In the January 27th Dreamland, Linda Moulton Howe reported on one of the great close encounter experiences of all time, which happened in Utah just a few weeks ago. Her interview with the witness contains what might well be the single most useful message ever transmitted out of the experince, about who our visitors are and how we may find our way with them. The material is deeply familiar to Whitley Strieber, and here he shines what is probably as bright a light as has ever been shone on the inner truth of contact and what we can do within ourselves to be better able to understand it and make use of the message that it is bringing mankind.
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‘Andrea’ joins the growing list of close encounter witnesses who have given an interview to Anne Strieber. These intervews are among the deepest and most detailed descriptions of contact experience anywhere in the world, and are among our most popular features.

Andrea tells us a beautiful, disturbing and deeply felt story of a lifetime of contact with strange beings who range from the "shimmering" to "rough and pushy." This interview goes right to the most secret heart of close encounter when she describes her experience with the black box so familiar to many of us, and what it is like to be touched by the wand.
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On March 24, something unusual happened to Whitley Strieber. As was the case in December of 2007 when his last seemingly physical encounter with the unknown took place, what happened was related to a work of fiction he’s writing. The book, which will be published in mid-2012, involves a kind of mind-sharing that Whitley experienced with his visitors, and which became, over time, an intimate and powerful form of communication. On the 24th, somebody communicated with him in this way, but there may have been more. The person may have been physically present as well. Listen to his eloquent description of what happened, and his insightful interpretation of it.
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