ET Roundtable
Close Encounters Revealed
An amazing interview with Rey Hernandez, one of the founding directors of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Rey opens up about the stunning 2012 close encounter and series of follow-on experiences that drew him into what has become his life journey as a director of FREE.
The close encounter experience is evolving. As Rey points out, in the 1980s 38% of witnesses regarded their experiences as very negative. Now, 85% see them as very positive.
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The Eerie, Powerful Journey of Steve Neill
Steve Neill is a lifelong experiencer who returns to Dreamland to report a series of powerful encounters that have been happening over the past few months. During one of them, he was on the phone having a conversation with Whitley Strieber and another witness was present as he narrated what was being seen. And this is only one of many.
A Man, His Blood and High Strangeness
Michael Lee Hill is a lifelong close encounter witness. His earliest memories come from early childhood, then faded, then returned in 2005 when he started to see lights over Lake Erie. He has since filmed hundreds of hours of footage, which are on his YouTube page FrozenHill.
He has since led a life of close encounter and has become deeply involved in contact. Here, he discusses his life with fellow-experiencer Whitley Strieber, just the sort of event that is unique to this podcast.
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