The show starts out with a segment recorded yesterday and it is wild! Whitley interviews close encounter
witness “Daniel” who claims that he is having multiple-witness experiences right now, and has numerous photos and videos to back up his claim. This includes a remarkable description of a close encounter that happened just a few days ago and it is one stunner of a story!
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Angela and Alexander are siblings with a lifetime of experiences. Some are shared. But do they share the same outlook on what is happening to them? We’ll get into it. And in the process, host Jeremy Vaeni will reveal a poltergeist-like set of experiences his wife and he shared the morning of this episode’s recording!

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Whitley describes a new physical encounter that involved a direct face-to-face experience. It is his first physical encounter in a long time, but since it happened, there has been a second. His knowledge of the experience is now so extensive and deep that his descriptions of the experience and his explorations of its meaning are unique in the world and to be treasured. There has never been anything like his body of work or his devotion to and insight into the close encounter experience before.
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