Researchers at Purdue University have invented the world’s whitest paint, a substance so reflective it has been entered into the 2022 edition of Guinness World Records, and might one day be used to greatly reduce—and in some cases possibly even eliminate—the need for air conditioning, a growing problem in a steadilyread more

A new study has found that global warming has caused an “almost complete loss of stability” in the network of currents that weave their way through the North Atlantic Ocean, a series of currents that, if they were to collapse entirely, would result in a domino effect of systemic climateread more

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels peaked to an average of over 419 parts per million over the course of May, 50 percent higher than the stable levels that were present before the industrial revolution, and the highest they’ve been in well over 800,000 years. May 2021’s average CO2 levels came in at 419.13read more

When Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere increases so does the need to remove the cumulative greenhouse gas from the atmosphere in an efficient manner.  Numerous researchers and companies have been researching new methods of carbon capture and removal for years, and one company in Iceland has started collecting CO2 and storing itread more