The universe is putting on its own Thanksgiving Day light show in the form of Comet ISON, which is set to graze the sun tomorrow.

Assuming that the comet does not disintegrate under the pressure of strong gravitational forces or solar energy, it is set to be one of the most brilliant comets of this century.

The shining heavenly body will pass within 730,000 miles (1.2 million kilometers) of the sun, which is a very close shave by cosmic standards. This fact does concern astronomers, many of whom predict that the comet may not survive its brush with the fiery star.
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Comet Ison is going to be one of the most dramatic cosmic spectacles in years, and NASA believes that some of the dust being ejected from its tail may end up on Earth. The comet is a sungrazer, which means that it is going to pass close to the sun, and the closer it gets the brighter it will become. Last January, NASA comet watchers calculated that it is ejecting 122,000 tons of matter a minute from its tail, meaning that it is large and already very active. read more