We have come to a dark time in the history of the United States.

Over the years, I have never spoken out one way or the other about politics. This is because Unknowncountry is a home for all close encounter witnesses and everybody interested in the visitors, not just those of one or another political persuasion.

I am not advocating a particular ideology now, either. I hope that I’m wrong about what I think will happen, and that the Trump Administration succeeds in improving the lives of the elderly and relatively poor people who are the core of its rank-and-file supporters. In fact, I hope that it succeeds at every economic level to better our lives.
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Despite our fascination with meaningful, a-causal co-incidences, we tend to overlook or dismiss linguistic synchronicities – and what we might learn from an anagram or pun. Thus, the fact that ‘prescience’ can be aptly written out as ‘pre-science’ often escapes our notice or, if noticed, our ascription of significance.

Yet, 1000’s of years and many millions of dollars after ancient sages attested to the health-giving benefits of meditation, Science – the slower, younger brother of the mystical arts – can now verify technologically that meditation actually changes the brain in ways that make us better people.
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