They’ve finally found the God particle, and now for the next big scientific search: dark matter (which accounts for most of the mass in the universe).

Dark Matter can’t be seen with telescopes, but astronomers know it’s there because of the gravitational effects it has on the matter we CAN see. Galaxies, for example, could not rotate the way they do and hold their shape without the presence of dark matter.

Normal matter, the kind we can see with telescopes (such as stars and galaxies) is less than 5% of the mass/energy density in the universe, while dark matter makes up almost 30%.
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Gulp! – If you think there are some surprising things happening here on Earth, you’d be amazed at the kinds of things are happening in the heavens. For instance, one star recently swallowed up another nearby one and there is a mysterious dark hole at the center of our universe. Not only that, there’s a VOLCANO in space!

Evidence that a star has recently engulfed a companion star or a giant planet has been found using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. The likely existence of such a

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But nobody knows what it is – What’s all around us, but nobody knows what it is? This sounds like a theological question, but it’s actually a puzzle that scientists are trying to work out.
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Found in a cave? – Scientists have gotten a big Christmas present: Researchers at the Dept. of Energy’s Fermilab near Chicago have detected signals of what CERN is looking so hard for: that elusive substance known as dark matter.

And what are these experiments that have everyone so excited? They’re taking place inside an abandoned mine in Minnesota, right here in the US (instead of at CERN in Switzerland).

The world of physics is filled with gossip too, and in BBC News, Victoria Gill quotes researcher Carlos Frenk as saying that the world of cosmology is “awash with gossip [because] dark matter is what makes the Universe interesting. It is responsible for the bulk of thegravitational forces that give the Universe its shape.”
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