Anne’s new diary – In her new diary, Anne Strieber discovers that you can get important spiritual insights from an unusual source! If you love Anne’s diaries and Whitley’sJournals, keep them coming: Subscribe today!

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Anne’s new diary – In Anne Strieber’s new diary she talks about what she calls cocooning–which is her word for people who are in their own world, texting or talking on their cell phones. She thinks they miss a lot of important things (see if you agree with her!) And if you love Anne’s diaries, support this site: Subscribe today!

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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “We have just returned from a trip to speak at the crop circle conference in the UK, where we had some breathtaking adventures.” And in Whitley’s new journal, he writes about UFO sightings in the UK countryside, as well as what it felt like to walk through a crop circle.

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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “A while ago, I wrote a diary about how a marriage between a Lefty and a Righty works, on the theory that this is a metaphor for ALL marriages. Now I want to talk about temperature.”

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