Anne’s Diary: Portents, Syncronicities (and Coincidences?)
In Anne Strieber’s latest diary, she writes: “In my rather ‘naughty’ diary a few weeks ago, I wrote about celebrating an uncle’s 90th birthday by going skinny dipping (and no, the uncle was NOT one of the participants, although he’s a pretty game guy, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had joined in). I have a funny follow-up to that story, plus a new set of portents that hit me with a wallop after I got home. I sometimes think that God (or Goddess or the Great Spirit or Whomever) has realized I don’t listen to whispers in my ear, so I get hit over the head with a metaphorical frying pan instead.” We guarantee that you’ll have an enlightening time at our Stargate Conference in October and remember: If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story!read more