Memorial Day – In Anne Strieber’s new diary, she writes: “Whitley and I just had one of the most profoundly moving experiences of our lives, one which was also a real privilege to be part of. It was also one of the most painful experiences we’ve ever had.” Some people can justify anything. The experience also reminded her of a couple of SONGS. If you love Anne’s diaries, come meet her in person at our Dreamland Festival in June. Last year she had some really interesting things to say, and this year she’ll have even more. She’s not afraid of controversy and is always willing to speak her mind! And remember: (subscribers get 10% off ticket prices).

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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes about shedding (or is it shredding?) the past and moving on to the future. Since she did this in a big way four years ago, when she almost died (and she’s still thankful for all of your prayers), she knows all about this! Come meet Anne in person at our Dreamland Festival in Nashville on June 26-28, where she’ll tell you if YOUR experiences are similar to the ones she read about in the Communion Letters.

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In Anne Strieber’s new diary, she explains why she and Whitley had to cancel their regular subscriber chat on Wednesday. She writes, “We recently experienced one of the exciting things about living in LA: we were invited to a screening of a major motion picture.” And why is this story illustrated by an image of the Venus of Willendorf? Read her diary and see!
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In her newest diary, Anne Strieber writes: “I once got angry, because?after I mentioned Wicca in passing during a Dreamland interview?someone wrote in and said (accusingly) is Anne Strieber a pagan? I denied it then, but now I’m finding out more about modern paganism, and it’s worthunderstanding.

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