The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil, but it actually may be the root of all DISEASE, because new diseases are being spread by commerce (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this incredible show). When business executives visit their colleagues and potential customers in cities around the world, they bring their diseases with them, in the same way that Europeans spread lethal new diseases to the Native Americans they first encountered.
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10,000 tourists who stayed in cabins at Yosemite National Park recently might have been exposed to the deadly mouse-borne Hanta Virus. So far , Hanta has made 6 of the tourists ill. Hanta Virus is caused by inhaling the dried feces of infected mice. It is also carried by prairie dogs.

The Park Service is frantically writing and emailing the people who stayed in those cabins this summer, telling them to check in with their doctors.
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A group of researchers are taking blood and nose and throat swabs from bighorn sheep–not to see if they have the flu, but to find out if they have a disease which could be transmitted to HUMANS.
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