Angel Millar sheds light on the mysterious journey of the soul in this deep dive into the meaning of our lives. He explains the three stages of initiation that we can attain over the course of our lives, what each one means and why we need to understand it inread more

John Hogue has an enviable record as a prophet–and the criticism to prove it! Throughout history, prophets have been scorned when they were wrong and attacked when they were right, and John is no exception. So, as always, this is going to be an interesting and controversial show as Johnread more

Yorkshireman Paul Sinclair is back with us on Dreamland, fresh from more adventures in the extreme high strangeness regions of east and north Yorkshire. Join us on a journey along foggy cliffs and down into haunted tunnels beneath an “abandoned” RAF base where Satanic symbols cover the walls. UFOs biggerread more