This week’s Dreamland and Awakening programs once again involve the afterlife. Since my wife Anne died last August, there has been a continuous series of events involving her that suggest that there is an afterlife, and that she not only still exists, but is still conscious of this world and attempting to indicate that it is possible to bridge the gap between worlds.
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Dreamland is being presented from Wednesday, May 20 this week instead of starting on Friday. The reason is that this show not only makes it clear that the Roswell slides, far from being fakes or images of the mummy of a child, do indeed depict a body with extremely unusual anatomical features that are not the result of deformity and are not human. Jaime Maussan now has medical professionals from Mexico, the US and Canada bearing witness to this. Incredibly, Linda Moulton Howe, in attempting to determine whether or not the body depicted in the slides was actually located, as some researchers have claimed, in the now closed White’s City Museum in New Mexico, has discovered a clear photograph of what appears to be a completely different nonhuman more

In the January 27th Dreamland, Linda Moulton Howe reported on one of the great close encounter experiences of all time, which happened in Utah just a few weeks ago. Her interview with the witness contains what might well be the single most useful message ever transmitted out of the experince, about who our visitors are and how we may find our way with them. The material is deeply familiar to Whitley Strieber, and here he shines what is probably as bright a light as has ever been shone on the inner truth of contact and what we can do within ourselves to be better able to understand it and make use of the message that it is bringing mankind.
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Due to an error, Dreamland was not posted at the usual timeon The show, featuring Robert Temple’slatest research on the Sphinx, is now available by clickingon “Listen Now” beside the Dreamland Radio logo on theright side of our masthead. Subscribers had a wonderful chat with Joseph Farrell on Saturday morning. Join us next time: We have lots of great chats coming up, plus our regular chats every Wednesday evening. Subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more