I am in Barcelona for a conference, and as Spain is among the areas hardest hit by climate-change induced drought, I have been reflecting on the situation that we face. The Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the American Southwest are the areas currently most vulnerable to catastrophic drought, butread more

A two-month-long heat wave affecting large portions of China, declared the most severe in recorded history, is causing widespread drought across the country, drying up both rivers and crops, with hundreds of regions reporting record-breaking temperatures in excess of 40°C (104°F). This news comes at a time when many regionsread more

Both poles are overheating in unexpected ways, inflation is rising across the world, a senseless war rages in Eastern Europe, food shortages threaten in the Middle East, catastrophic droughts appear to have become permanent climactic features in many parts of the world, disinformation and lies spread like a disease, theread more