The war on the drugs is failing miserably: Narcotics use rose by 35% worldwide from 1998-2008, in spite of anti-drug efforts. A new Global Commission on Drug Policy report says that that anti-drug policies have failed by encouraging organized crime, the fighting of which costs taxpayers millions of dollars and leads to thousands of deaths. The report calls for the legalization of some drugs and an end to the criminalization of drug users. Addicts need to be treated like patients, not criminals.
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Overdoses of the common household drug acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol) leads to more than 78,000 emergency department visits a year. Consumers take Tylenol to reduce pain or fever, but few of them realize that when misused, acetaminophen can lead to acute liver failure and even death, often due to accidental overdose by an uninformed consumer. However, the According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the majority of them are suicide attempts.
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Are most psychiatric drugs nothing more than placebos? If that’s the case, then drug companies are making massive amounts of money selling patients what is actually–nothing at all. We suspect that the swine flu "epidemic" was–in large part–a "hoax" perpetrated by drug companies, but psychiatric illness are real, despite the fact that some of them, such as ADHD, may be over diagnosed.
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You’ve heard of black people "passing for white," but times have changed: Now many mixed-race people with a choice of which way to go are identifying themselves as black. But before they do this, maybe they should think twice: Drug use is usually associated with blacks and latinos, but nearly one in five whites could carry a genetic variant that substantially increases their odds of being susceptible to severe cocaine abuse.
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