You may pride yourself on the fact that you stay away from drugs, but if you eat too much, you may be an addict–to FOOD. Sweets and high-fat foods affect the brain the same way drugs do–and like drugs, eating too much of these can cause permanent changes in the parts of the brain that control our eating behavior. Both animal and human brains have special pathways that make us feel good when we eat food with lots of more

By drug manufacturers – It’s a conspiracy worthy of Jim Marrs: The pharmaceutical industry is a market in which the seller knows much more than the buyer about the product and can profit from selling products less effective and less safe than consumers are led to believe. The advent of ads for prescription drugs is one example of this.

Researcher Donald Light says, “Sometimes drug companies hide or downplay information about serious side effects of new drugs and overstate the drugs’ benefits. Then, they spend two to three times more on marketing than on research to persuade doctors to prescribe these new drugs. Doctors may get misleading information and then misinform patients about the risks of a new drug. It’s really a two-tier market for lemons.”read more

Curiosity – Curiosity may have killed the cat, but scientists think it may cure the addict. It’s a far out idea, but it happens to be true.

The brain’s innate interest in the new and different may help defeat the power of addictive drugs. Novelty could help break the vicious cycle of treatment and relapse, especially for the many addicts with novelty-craving, risk-taking personalities. This conclusion comes from controlled experiments in which novelty drew cocaine-treated rats away from the place they got cocaine.
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What will drugs do to YOUR town in 2010? Most of us know that Marijuana is the most popular illegal drug of choice, and that heroin may be the most damaging drug an individual can use, but it is crack cocaine that has changed the world as Americans know it, especially in big cities. And the war against them isn’t working.
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