The deeply ancient network of megalithic sites that includes both Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe that stretches across the southern portion of modern-day Türkiye now counts yet another of the suspected twelve sites amongst its number, Boncuklu Tarla, a site with buildings that may prove to be even older than the tworead more

A team of researchers has found a way of generating electricity literally out of thin air that they are calling “Air-gen”, a device that not only requires no rare or toxic chemicals to run, but instead runs on the ambient humidity that typically lingers in the air. The Air-gen deviceread more

 An up close look at a molecule found in every biological cell on Planet Earth  has revealed a molecular ability to sense magnetic fields; a skill common to almost all animal life on earth, including people.   During a study of the magnetic-reception capabilities of fruit flies, an international team ofread more