It might sound like a concept straight out of a sci-fi horror film, but for the last two decades California-based biotech company Koniku has been developing a computer powered by what is essentially a brain-in-a-jar: a computer module that uses synthetic neurons that harness the processing power of biological brainread more

A new study shows that the increasing melt of the polar ice sheets is causing the planet’s crust to warp, as the weight of the ice is lessened; causing an upward rebound of the bedrock in the affected regions, and horizontal movement of the landscape. Although the decrease in iceread more

The discovery of a large cache of bone tools dated to 400,000 years ago may change how paleontologists view the evolution of tool use amongst early humans. Discovered at a site called Castel di Guido near Rome, Italy, the collection consists of 98 tools made from the bones of theread more