Massive Quakes Strike Pacific
Another large quake on Vanuatu – A string of four earthquakes struck across the centralPacific today, all within an hour and a half of one another.The first one, with a magnitude of 7.8, hit at 9:03 AM localtime, (3:03PM PDT) beneath the open ocean 180 milesnorth-northwest of Vanuatu. 15 minutes later, a second quakewith a magnitude of 7.7 hit approximately a hundred milessouth-southeast of the first. Then, an hour and ten minutesafter the first quake, a third one hit approximately thirtymiles from the location of the second. On October 8, a 6.8quake struck near Vanuatu.
These were all first-tier earthquakes. A more moderateaftershock with a magnitude of 5.1, struck 25 minutes afterthe third quake.
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