It’s because we LIE to OURSELVES about what turns us on–you have to meet that special one IN PERSON for your hormones (and your libido) to ramp up. Even the sexiest description just won’t work. No matter how much people say they’re looking for someone smart, who they can trust and laugh with, what they REALLY WANT is a sexually attractive partner (and this applies to both to men AND women).
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We know there are spies on Facebook, but worms too? A security firm warns that a computer worm has stolen 45,000 login credentials from Facebook, mostly from Facebook accounts in the UK and France. The same worm has been around since 2010 and is also responsible for stealing data from bank accounts.

BBC News quotes the Seculert firm as saying, "Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the fact that users tend to use the same password in various web-based services to gain remote access to corporate networks." Does this mean that you should create a different password for each site you enter? Alas, yes.
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Are you lonely? Join he club: Although the average Facebook user has some 130 "friends," in reality, Americans have, on average, slightly more than two confidantes, down from three 25 years ago.

Sociologist Matthew Brashears says that although the social network "makes us potentially more vulnerable," the good news is that "we’re not as socially isolated as scholars had feared." Over the last few years, the average size of the group with whom we discuss important matters has shrunk by about one-third (from about three people to two).
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