As those of us who have seen the movie “Juno” can attest, teenagers do not make good dads. Now researchers have discovered that they are also likely to have unhealthy babies. While it’s obvious why this might be true with teenaged mothers (because they don?t get the right kind of prenatal care), BBC News reports that the researchers who discovered this don’t know why teenaged fathers have the same effect on their babies. They speculate that they may have less money to support the child and may also offer less emotional support to the mother, which would in turn impact the baby’s health.
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Researchers have discovered that women marry men who look like their fathers, especially if they had a good relationship with their dads. In the Independent, Steve Connor and Jonathan Brown write, “Husbands and boyfriends: take a good look in the mirror. Then dig out your partners’ family photographs. Do you look like her father? If not, you could be in trouble.”

When daughters were asked to select the most handsome men from a group of photos, they almost always resembled the women?s fathers. Psychologists call this “sexual imprinting,” meaning that sexual preferences are based on our the characteristics of the parent of the opposite sex. This is known to occur in animals, so it’s not surprising it happens among humans as well.

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