My first entry into this journal was on January 12, 1998, 24 years ago. It was called “What I Believe,” and looking back at it, I still believe those things today. Since those days, Unknowncountry has grown both in terms of content and users, into the largest website of itsread more

New listener "Dalen Wade" originally contacted host Jeremy Vaeni with questions about the possible nature of fear in high strangeness experiences. When Jeremy asked him to be a guest on the show, he wasn’t certain that he had enough experiences to warrant more

Recently I had a very frightening experience with the visitors. It was intentionally induced by them and led to them backing off from a relationship that has recently become very much closer and is the treasure of my life. I was bereft, but this time I was not left in the dark about why I had reacted with such fear to what they did, or what their motives were. The reason is that I have Anne on the other side, and she offered what I believe to be an insight into the situation that is of fundamental importance.

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