With concerns about the possible health and environmental effects of oil dispersants in the Deepwater Horizon disaster still fresh in mind, scientists have created a new dispersant made from edible ingredients that both breaks up oil slicks and keeps oil from sticking to the feathers of birds (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows) And With 1.3 billion tons of food trashed, dumped in landfills and otherwise wasted around the world every year, other scientists are studying ways to change food waste into a key ingredient for making plastics, laundry detergread more

Sugar can make you stupid and margarine makes you aggressive and salt gives you high blood pressure, right? Wrong.

Nutritionists used to tell us that salt would raise our blood pressure, cause hypertension and increase the risk of premature death, but that argument has always been controversial and difficult to defend.

In the June 3rd edition of the New York Times, Gary Taubes quotes researcher Drummond Rennie as saying that the eat-less-salt message had "made a commitment to salt education that goes way beyond the scientific facts."
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When you go to a restaurant, do you really know what you’re getting? Restaurant insiders, such as cooks and waiters, warn us about a whole list of things, such as the fact that they often put sugar in kids’ meals (even the pizza crust) and serve decaf coffee to everyone at the end of their shift, if that’s what’s left in the pot. They also warn us not to order fish on a Sunday or Monday because a restaurant’s seafood deliveries usually come just twice a week so the freshest fish is most likely served between Tuesday and Friday.
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