Does Fracking Cause Asthma?
Asthma used to be mainly an urban problem, but now it’s become an epidemic in the countryside–this could be due to Fracking. Fracking may lead to earthquakes, but does it also lead to asthma?
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Asthma used to be mainly an urban problem, but now it’s become an epidemic in the countryside–this could be due to Fracking. Fracking may lead to earthquakes, but does it also lead to asthma?
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Deep water oil drilling rigs may not be causing obvious leaks (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but they are leaking dangerous methane gas into the atmosphere. Methane has 25 times the warming power of carbon dioxide. In half a year, these gas leaks could equal the annual global warming impact of putting 300,000 new cars on the road.
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Geologists say that recent earthquakes in Ohio and Oklahoma are directly linked to deep wells that were used to dispose of liquid wastes produced by the hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" of natural gas. At least 177 similar disposal wells are located throughout Ohio.
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As "fracking," which is the term for drilling for natural gas from the ground, becomes more popular (as oil prices rise), we may see bare landscapes in this country. This process uses LOTS of water, which is becomes contaminated before it is disposed of. The vegetation in part of a national forest in Virginia quickly died after being sprayed with chemical-laced wastewater recovered from fracking. Two years after the water was sprayed on them, over half of the trees were dead.
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