An amazing interview with Rey Hernandez, one of the founding directors of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Rey opens up about the stunning 2012 close encounter and series of follow-on experiences that drew him into what has become his life journey as a director of FREE.

The close encounter experience is evolving. As Rey points out, in the 1980s 38% of witnesses regarded their experiences as very negative. Now, 85% see them as very positive.
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Rey Hernandez of the FREE organization joins us for a phenomenal edition of Dreamland! FREE, founded by Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Dr. Rudy Schild, offers experiencers a wealth of support as well as carrying out research into the close encounter experience at a high level of scientific finish.
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General Arthur Exon, former commanding officer of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, spoke to Whitley Strieber about the Roswell Incident. It turns out that he also gave a rare interview to Ralph Steiner. Listen as they compare notes for the first time! Why did General Exon open the door to Whitley, and what happened to him after Whitley introduced him to Stanton Friedman and an interview with him ended up being published? Don’t miss this revealing exploration of what one of the most powerful insiders had to say to those of us on the outside.
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