Quorn, a fake meat made from fungus, has now reached theU.S. and it’s making people sick. The Center for Science inthe Public Interest has received reports from 33 people whosuffered vomiting and diarrhea after eating Quorn. A NorthCarolina man broke out in hives and had trouble breathing.Quorn is a substitute for ground beef and chicken and isalso used in lasagna and fettuccine Alfredo.
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GM crops are designed to fight weeds because they areresistant to pesticides. This means farmers can spray theirentire fields and kill off the weeds without hurting theircrops. But this process is creating Superweeds, which havecross-bred with the pesticide-resistant GM crops so thatthey are impossible to get rid of and produce more seeds, so they invade other fields, as well.
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Researchers have discovered that genetically tinkering with fish can cause the opposite effect of evolution: the survival of the LEAST fit and the eventual extinction of a species. It would take just one genetically-modified fish to wipe out local populations of that species if it escaped into the wild.

William Muir and Richard Howard of Purdue University call GM genes “Trojan genes,” because “This resembles the Trojan horse,” says Muir. “It gets into the population looking like something good and it ends up destroying the population.”
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