An intrepid photographer has recently gained access to the previously-sealed Caynton Caves that reside under the grounds of Caynton Hall, a site in Shropshire county, England. These man-made caves, rumored to have been built by the Knights Templar, have been carved out of the solid sandstone that lies under the countryside, and comprise a series of curved tunnels, columns and archways that give the appearance of a compact temple or cathedral, complete with niches where candles can be mounted.
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In 2015, a 2,600-year-old shipwreck discovered off the coast of Gela in southern Sicily was found to contain 39 ingots of a mysterious alloy that archaeologists believe is the ancient metal known as orichalcum, a metal that Plato described as decorating the walls of the temple of Poseidon in Atlantis. Upon re-examining the wreck, archaeologists have uncovered new artifacts, including a jar, two Corinthian helmets, and 47 additional ingots of the mysterious metal.
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A new species of insect has been discovered from a 100-million year old fossil, found trapped in a piece of amber that was excavated in Myanmar. Being dubbed an "alien insect" by the press, the creature was so different from other known classifications of insect that entomologists have placed it in its own taxonomic order within the insect kingdom.
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