The deeply ancient network of megalithic sites that includes both Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe that stretches across the southern portion of modern-day Türkiye now counts yet another of the suspected twelve sites amongst its number, Boncuklu Tarla, a site with buildings that may prove to be even older than the tworead more

There are certain segments of DNA that have remained relatively unchanged in the tens of millions of years since mammals split from their reptilian forebears— tried and true segments of code that remained unchanged throughout the course of mammalian evolution. However, roughly one million years ago a sudden change inread more

A biotech company that is proposing to clone woolly mammoths for reintroduction into the wild has recently received a 60 million dollar boost to the project’s funding, a cash injection that the company says will enable them to produce their first mammoth in just four years, to walk the Earth for theread more