You may think you know who your ancestors were, but do you REALLY? Using genetic analyses, scientists have discovered that Northern European populations–including British, Scandinavians, French, and some Eastern Europeans–are descended from a mixture of two very different ancestral populations, and one of these populations is related to Native Americans.

This discovery helps fill gaps in scientific understanding of both Native American and Northern European ancestry, while providing an explanation for some genetic similarities among what would otherwise seem to be very divergent groups.
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The Lakota Indian tribe, whose ancestors include Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from their treaties with the US, some of which are 150 years old, and declared themselves to be a separate country, with their own passports and drivers licenses. And Vermont may do the same thing!

Fox News quotes Lakota leader Russell Means as saying, “We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us.” This area includes parts of the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.
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The new Terence Malik film “The New World” has recently opened. In it, Pocahontas, the Powhatan princess who befriended English captain John Smith and the colonists of the Jamestown, Virginia settlement in the early 1600s, is a lover of Smith. In reality, Pocahontas was more of a savvy political strategist, according to historian Camilla Townsend. Townsend believes that Pocahontas’ actions throughout her life reveal a woman with a full grasp of the plight facing her people, and desire to save them from what eventually befell all Native Americans in the years to come.
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