We told you that there are spies on Facebook, but what’s dangerous is sex offenders lurking on social media sites. Students and young adults are highly susceptible to being contacted by internet sex offenders from the very first time a chat session is initiated. A recent study found that more than two-thirds of internet sexual offenders initiate the topic of sex with middle school and high school students during their first chat session. The lesson for young people is: DON’T START.
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It’s not science fiction–it’s almost here! For years, researchers have been trying to develop a car that drives itself, since most car crashes are due to human error. Now they’ve created a car that can be controlled by a driver’s THOUGHTS. German engineers have developed a car with speed and direction that can be controlled by your mind. You just think "right here" and the car will turn and plan a fresh route. In New Scientist, Paul Marks quotes the research team’s website as saying, "Our test drives showed that there is only a slight delay between the intended command and the actual reaction of the car.read more

A recent survey by divorce lawyers found that one in 5 divorces in the US were triggered by Facebook because a rising number of people are using social media to engage in extramarital affairs. Networking sites may be great for meeting someone, but once you’re married, maybe you should close your computer!
Men who used to surreptitiously surf porn sites are now meeting women online instead. On a social network, you can be who you want to be (a CEO instead of an office worker) and this kind of stimulus raises male testosterone levels, leading to trouble for married men.
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Google Earth may soon replace shovels as the main tool that archeologists use to dig into the past (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show): Almost two thousand potential archeological sites in Saudi Arabia have been discovered thanks to satellite images from there.
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