Whitley twitters. We’ve talked about Twitter morality. Now we have news about people who can twitter using only their brains. And will the internet ITSELF someday be conscious (the Master of the Key said this would happen). Or is it conscious already?

Adam Wilson posted a Twitter message just by thinking about it. Just 23 characters long, his message, “using EEG to send tweet,” shows how “locked-in” patients can use modern communication tools.

Wilson is not in that condition himself. He’s a biomedical engineering student who is trying to perfect a communication system for users whose bodies do not work, but whose brains function normally. Among those are people who have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), brain-stem stroke or high spinal cord injury.
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You may be contributing to global warming without even realizing it. It all has to do with Spam (the kind you eat AND the computer kind).

Researchers say that returning to the slimmer days (we’re talking body weight here, not about the economy) of 40 years ago would not only help our health, it would help climate change AND the recession. In the UK, scientists think that people are eating almost 20% more food than they did back then, and all that farming (use of tractors, as well as trucks to take the food to stores) sends up lots of greenhouse gas emissions.
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If you Twitter, you should realize that rapid-fire media of this type may confuse your moral compass and you may end up sending messages that are harsher than a live conversation (or written letter) would be. Why does email sometimes cause us to act this way?

This happens because the emotions linked to our moral sense awaken slowly in the mind?much more slowly than our fingers can type on the computer. Admiration and compassion–two of the social emotions that define humanity–take longer for the brain to process, and by then it may be too late: you may have already pressed the "send" button.
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New blog by a Dreamland listener – Unknowncountry and Dreamland fan Jim Boyle has created a blog on Blogspot.com called Navigating Dreamland that comments on Dreamland and keeps up with the activities of our great hosts! It’s a thoughtful blog, and just another example of how our wonderful community is growing?and will continue to grow in the future (IF we’re still here!) To enjoy Jim’s blog, comment and participate, click here. If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story! To sign up, click here (and we NEVER share you email address with anyone).

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more