If you look along the top of our home page, underneath the masthead and to the right of “the news” tab, you’ll see our brand new “Out There” section, and Whitley Strieber wants to thank you for making it such a hit. “Out There” aggregates UFO and other unusual news stories from around the world, and it has already been visited over half a million times since we announced it in our newsletter last week!

Because of our extensive resources in this area, “Out There” has quickly become among the very best places to get such information. For example, it’s the only single resource on earth following the huge British Isles UFO wave, and virtually the only place where UFO news appears often by the hour or even the minute.
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It happened before, then it happened again and it’s STILL HAPPENING: underwater internet cables from connecting Europe and Asia to the Middle East have been mysteriously severed.

BBC News quotes international businessman Jonathan Wright as saying, “We’ve lost three out of four lines. If the fourth cable breaks, we’re looking at a total blackout in the Middle East?Normally you would expect to see one major break per cable per year. With four you should have an insurance policy. For this to happen twice in one year, on the same cable, is a serious cause for concern.”

Is this an accident or the West trying to prevent terrorism? Terrorists are known to communicate through cryptic messages on the internet.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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…using only your brain! – We have reported before on technology that will enable paraplegics to control an internet cursor using only their brain waves. Now researchers may have found a way for them to send email that way too (and it’s one way to avoid spam)!
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