A new study reveals that online daters, both men and women, usually fib about either their height or weight, and sometimes their age. In their internet ads, men systematically overestimated their height, while women more commonly underestimated their weight. Communications expert Jeffrey Hancock says, “Surprisingly, age-related deception was minimal and did not differ by gender.”

About 52.6% of the men in the study lied about their height, as did 39% of the women. Slightly more women lied about their weight (64.1%) than did men (60.5%). When it came to age, 24.3% of the men were untruthful, compared with 13.1% of the women.
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Are hackers trying to get into your computer right now? And what are they up to? A recent university study reveals that computers with internet access are attacked an average of every 39 seconds.
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Our server will be down from 9-10 am Pacific time on Sunday, June 25, so read our great news and listen to our wonderful radio show today (and tomorrow afternoon)…and while you’re here, subscribe today! We need your support.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

The latest high-tech injury is iPod finger, arepetitive-strain injury from pressing down on the littlemusic player’s tiny buttons.

Chiropractor Carl Irwin says, “iPod users are constantlyusing small, difficult buttons with the same finger in arepetitive motion.” The nature of modern technology meansthat these devices are only going to get smaller in thefuture. Some iPod users have reported soreness in the hands,and in some cases even problems with moving their elbows and necks. The same types of complaints come from frequentcomputer users (the “tennis elbow” comes from using aseparate mouse). However, the most injuries still come fromtext messaging on cell phones, which have even smaller buttons.
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