This is part three of our four-part series with "Ian." In this episode, he takes us into the question of what is subjective, internal reality and what is objectively out there in the world. In the life of an experiencer, it often becomes a fascinating more

Have you ever met someone who was a genius on the brink of madness? In this riveting detour, Ian returns to tell of his time with a man who showed him that "aliens" might be more closely linked to the occult than outer space. But the more he learned about his friend the more Ian suspected he was crazy. And the more he thought his friend was crazy, the more evidence would present itself that, through the madness, he may have been seeing the more

Menacing shadow people give way to kindly blonde humanoids… or are they kindly? And what was that explosion? Who is that dying Gray? This week’s guest "Ian" has lived quite the highly strange life. As jam-packed as this episode is, his story cannot be contained in one show. Listen to this and curse the sky that you have to wait a week for its sequel!
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Jeremy’s back with the Experience on a regular basis again, after completing a move to a new home. This week, he reveals some hard-to-deny evidence of a trickster force in action that actually outs itself as just that! This one would be too hard to believe… if it didn’t involve second and third parties.
Fasten your seatbelts, this is one VERY unusual show!

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