Are concepts alive? Are they competing for our attention? Do ideas haunt us until we notice because, like the specter itself, we exist paradoxically in both being and nonbeing, as evidenced by our present only existing with respect to the past? We’ll learn all about the quirky philosophy of history called "hauntology" and whether it applies to the paranormal, from Colin, a listener tapped into cutting edge and fringe ideas. This one is both–but it might not be as out there as it sounds. In fact, it might be the case right here, right now. Hauntings and abductions may be a type of instinct rehearsal or some other form of our deep past calling to us.
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Can ruminating about Trickster Theory cause trickster phenomena to occur in your life? We’ll ask "Emma," cohost of the Meat Mutant podcast. She is a skeptic. She is a scientist. Most importantly, she is an experiencer of chronic synchronicity who has been paying attention to the Trickster Theory.

To find out more about Emma and listen to her podcast, please visit her website,
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The second half of our conversation with philosopher Bernardo Kastrup, author of Why Materialism Is Balony, takes a turn to the experiential as he reveals for the first time ever the single driving force behind his work and, indeed, his life’s mission. Then we learn of how he truly feels about the importance of CERN’s large hadron collider, which he worked on, and the blind spots of scientists where paranormal and transcendental phenomena are concerned.

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Is life itself a shared dream embedded within consciousness? If so, what might Visitor phenomena represent? In part one of a two-part interview, scientist-turned-philosopher Bernardo Kastrup joins us to discuss some of the ideas in his latest book, Why Materialism Is Balony: How True Skeptics Know There Is No Death and Fathom Answers to Life the Universe and Everything.

To learn more about Bernardo and his work, please visit him online at
To watch Bernardo interview Jeremy in what he feels is one of the best interviews he’s ever given, check it out on YouTube.
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