John Hogue Gets Specific: 2013 in Detail
"The alarm bells of the last few years are now going to begin to clang incessantly in the areas of politics, food supplies, our global economy–things that have been delayed and postponed this year will fully emerge in 2013." He goes on to explain the astrological significance of Saturn’s re-entry into Scorpio, and how it relates to coming change.
He points out that leaders around the world have been adept at ‘kicking the can down the road,’ and predicts that the road ends in 2013. So, what should we do to be prepared? What’s to be careful of in 2013, and what’s to look forward to? (It’s not all bad, for sure!)
Don’t miss John’s powerful and fascinating–and, hopefully, USEFUL–insights. And expect some surprising ‘outlier’ prophecies!read more