In Whitley’s latest Journal, he writes about a warning he received that turned out to be real, and his journeys to find the secrets of his childhood. He says, “I woke up one night to find a person standing in our bedroom?She said three words to me.” This is only the beginning of his extraordinary adventure and quest for truth.

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In his latest Journal, Whitley writes about results from our contact meditation and messages that may exist in recent crop circles. He says, “I cannot express how marvelous I think that this successful communication is?It does suggest that we are finally making some real progress in freeing human consciousness from the chains of ideology that bind it.” He talks about the those who “are out there singing a song that the only way to salvation is through death?Moslem extremists sing that the way to salvation is through suicide terrorism; Christian extremists that the way to the rapture is to hasten the end of the world. Both sing the same demon?s song: come with us to death, little man.” If you want to know how to resist this siren song, read Whitley’s new Journal.
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In his new Journal, Whitley writes about the hows and whys of global warming and says, “?The world remains rudderless and leaderless regarding global warming. European leaders, relying on the untested and probably hopeless mandates reached under the Kyoto protocol, wait now in silence for a better day. Meanwhile the Americans remain mired down in ideological squabbles about global warming so absurd that they would be comic-opera hilarious if they weren’t so pitiful.” But there is one small country that?s taking action: our neighbors in Canada are doing what needs to be done.

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Whitley writes in his new journal, “?This planet is in the process of an extinction event?I believe?that there is somebody in close contact with us?on the ground, in fact, and in control of much government apparatus?who does not want us to grow and survive; who, in fact, seeks our death. Something else, calling to us from outside, speaks on behalf of our survival and our entry into the universe?The coming close proximity of Mars suggests that this positive presence will have an unprecedented opportunity to interact with us in the coming weeks.” Don’t miss this important journal entry.

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