Imagine that you’re the captain of an oil rig in the heart of one of the worst oil spills in human history. Imagine that you’re also a lifelong experiencer of Visitor phenomena. Imagine what happens next…. Karen Cavalli returns to talk about her latest small, impactful book: Captain Chris: A Tale of the Sea, the BP Oil Spill, and the Evolution of an Experiencer.

To order the book and learn more about Karen, please visit: and her Amazon book page.
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You’ve probably heard it said–or experienced firsthand–that we can invite Visitor phenomena into our lives. But should we? Is it wise to open the door to the unknown? This is the conversation I expected to have with Karen Cavalli, author of Let Them In: 30 Years of Secret Experiences. However, this was not what she meant by letting them in.

What she means is far richer and involves a refreshingly elegant approach to all paranormal experiences across the board. Brace yourself. Discussions this good are why The Experience exists!
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